Survey to analyse performance in CRC Early Action Metrics league table.

posted in: CRC, DECC, Environment Agency | 2


*Note: This survey has now been closed; however, if you are still keen to get some more information on your likely league table performance, you can email your details to us at: We will be shortly publishing our final results on the blog.


At our CSPS event workshops last week, there was a lot of concern amongst our delegates about how to manage the publication of their position on the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) league table this autumn; and around the amount of notice they would be given before publication.

As a response to this, we are giving you the opportunity over the coming weeks to enter your Early Action Metrics into our survey. We will then be crunching the figures to get an impression of how your organisation will perform according to this year’s criteria.

If you are a participant organisation in the CRC scheme than you can fill out this survey, and we will take a look at your performance; analysing it against a range of useful statistics. We will then be able to email you with more information on the results.

The first few questions in the survey are compulsory, with the remainder optionals – so it is a case of the more information you put down, the richer the analysis will be.

UPDATE: now have confirmation from the Environment Agency (EA) that the Department of Energy and Climate Change does not plan to pre-release league table results to CRC participants. This is what was said at an EA CRC meeting this week:

“The group were concerned that participants would be given no notice of their position in the league table prior to the table being made public so that communication plans etc could be developed.  EA understand DECC do not intend to make the PLT available to participants before publication but will check this.

EA: Unfortunately due to the PLT being  generated onto the web by the IT process, it will go live without a preview for Participants. There will be a community e-mail to confirm the date and time of release in before it goes live.”

2 Responses

  1. league table cynic

    Since the survey only appears to apply to Public service, it does not cover all CRC participants and its value is limited – I really can’t understand why the EA persists with this wasted effort, the league table lost all relevance when it was de-coupled from any financial gain or penalty. I cannot (and could not) justify spending a minimum of £8000 on the CTS which is of very limited use.

  2. Peter Chasmer

    Hello “league table cynic”. I agree with both of your comments in a general sense. Firstly, the value of this survey is limited to it’s sample size, which currently stands at just above 5% of the total CRC emissions, and at last count we had 90 data sets. It would be better if everybody filled in the survey, but I think this is a good indication of what the full league table will look like.
    Secondly, despite your claim that the league table has “lost all relevance”, it is still an area of interest to our members, which is why we did the survey in the first place. We have noticed an increase in traffic to our site since publishing the results, which we take as an indication that the league table may still be considered by some to be a reputational driver.

    With regards to the CTS accreditation, have you actually gone through the process in previous years, and if so how do you find them limited? I’d be interested to know your views on Carbon Management and Carbon Reduction Programmes, as obviously the main purpose of the CRC is supposed to be reducing your CO2 emissions.