Green Deal Network – Carbon Saving Public Sector 2012

The LGiU and Local Energy have been involved in carbon saving since our pilot network in 2008. For the first three years the focus was on the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme. With the landmark Green Deal due to launch in October, the 2012 Carbon Saving Public Sector network will prepare Local Authorities for this vital energy efficiency initiative, whilst continuing to offer support on the CRC and the other initiatives that we have considerable expertise in.

Membership of the network will prepare your authority step-by-step for the October 2012 launch of Green Deal. In addition, the CSPS network will help you to join up Green Deal with other low carbon initiatives such as the Renewable Heat Incentive, Feed in Tariffs and the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme. The network provides:

–          Two delegate places at regional events. Events will be in February, July and September and supported by members of Local Energy, the Energy Saving Trust and other organisations such as DECC.

–          Advice, guidance and support on the Green Deal and on other legislation such as RHI, FITS, and the CRC. Local Energy will be available to answer your questions and solve your problems by email, phone and online and our partnership with the EST gives us access to expertise in a host of other energy saving areas.

–          A preliminary audit of your CRC data if you are a participant in the scheme.

–          Regular updates including briefings, fact sheets and explanation of changes to legislation.

–          Opportunities to network with other local authorities in person and through our online networks to find solutions to shared problems.

If you are interested and would like to speak to us please contact

Peter Chasmer –

07825 745622 or 020 7554 2800 (LGIU switchboard)


CSPS Info Pack