Survey on the cost of CRC auditing

posted in: Audits, Consultation, CRC, DECC | 0


As part of the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s (DECC’s) efforts to simplify the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme, KPMG was appointed to conduct a survey of CRC participants on the administrative time and costs of CRC compliance.

The survey, which is now closed, is to be used to help inform the CRC simplification process that DECC is currently consulting on.

One area that the survey did not specifically address however, was the costs to organisations of conducting CRC audits, which are a requirement of the CRC Scheme.

We think that it would be useful to have a better idea of the level of costs being incurred in the auditing process, and so we are running the survey below to address this area.

With the data collected, we hope to gather insights into how CRC auditing can be done in the most cost effective way, identify where best practice is being achieved, and look into the possibilities of peer auditing for CRC.

If your organisation is a participant in the CRC Scheme, we would like to hear about your experience with CRC auditing. You can complete the survey on the form below, or by following the survey link.

Your response to our survey will of course be kept private, and we will email you with more information on our general findings and conclusions on the auditing process once we close the survey.

Link to survey:

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