Energy Management Software Survey
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Rank Local Authority Rank Organisation Name Weighted Score Emissions (Tonnes of CO2) Early Action Metric (%) 41 1 Preston City Council 2062.5 6328 96 61 2 Blackpool Borough Council 2040 23864 92.5 88 3 Manchester City Council 2015.5 78220 88.5 … Continued
Rank Organisation Name Trading Name Weighted Score Emissions (Tonnes of CO2) Early Action Metric (%) 41 Preston City Council 2062.5 6328 96 61 Blackpool Borough Council 2040 23864 92.5 88 Manchester City Council 2015.5 78220 88.5 88 Salford City Council … Continued
A simplified version of the CRC Performance League Table is now available here, after earlier problems with publishing. The table is in the format of an excel spreadsheet. The document does not contain a participant summary or scorecard information.
The Climate Change Minister Greg Barker yesterday stated that he didn’t expect local authorities to be further mandated with climate change policies. Speaking at a conference of local councillors organised by Friends of the Earth, Mr Barker argued that central … Continued
The Environment Agency now expects the CRC League Table to be published in November. Speaking to Local Energy, Carl Sweeney the Operations Manager of the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme at the Environment Agency, stated: “At this time, we anticipate that … Continued
The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has stated that it would not be expedient to remove certain aspects of financial administration from the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC). Speaking on behalf of DECC at the Energy Solutions Expo … Continued
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The World Economic Forum’s ‘Global Risks 2011’ publication lays out an important case for global action on the challenges of what it calls the “water-food-energy” nexus. The report is well worth reading, highlighting important points that are clearly relevant … Continued
The week before the CRC reporting deadline saw us hosting our Carbon Saving Public Sector 2011-12 launch events in London, Manchester and Newcastle. Timed to coincide with final report compilation and submission, the events provided the opportunity for our … Continued